Friday, April 24, 2009

Cheap snacks at Target

Today I was at my local target and snagged some pretty good deals for snack items. Those of you that know me, know I rarely buy things like fruit snacks and little bags of crackers, juice boxes, etc. mostly because I am cheap!:) Well we have a trip coming up to Disney and I know it will be helpful to have these types of snacks on hand, because I am NOT buying over priced food in there!:)
I went to and printed the target coupons that I wanted.
So what did I get? I got a 20 pack of Capri Suns for $2.49. They were on sale for $4.49- $1 off target coupon, plus the $1 off coupon that was in the paper 2 Sunday's ago.
Market Pantry fruit snacks were marked down to $1.44- $1 off coupon.
There are several different Nabisco snack coupons, which ended up being a good deal with some sales, even better if you have some Nabisco coupons from a few weeks ago.
The fruit snack coupon expires on 4-25-09

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