Friday, April 24, 2009

Cheap snacks at Target

Today I was at my local target and snagged some pretty good deals for snack items. Those of you that know me, know I rarely buy things like fruit snacks and little bags of crackers, juice boxes, etc. mostly because I am cheap!:) Well we have a trip coming up to Disney and I know it will be helpful to have these types of snacks on hand, because I am NOT buying over priced food in there!:)
I went to and printed the target coupons that I wanted.
So what did I get? I got a 20 pack of Capri Suns for $2.49. They were on sale for $4.49- $1 off target coupon, plus the $1 off coupon that was in the paper 2 Sunday's ago.
Market Pantry fruit snacks were marked down to $1.44- $1 off coupon.
There are several different Nabisco snack coupons, which ended up being a good deal with some sales, even better if you have some Nabisco coupons from a few weeks ago.
The fruit snack coupon expires on 4-25-09

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Harris Teeter Triples April 29-May 5

They are here again! And for a full week! I will try to get a list up soon of what is a good deal. If you are not familiar with triples, Harris Teeter has been doing them about once a month latley. You can use up to 20 coupons that triple per transaction per day. They will triple up to $.99. So a $.75 coupon becomes $2.25. If you use any $1 or more coupons, those do not count toward your 20. Leave a commet if you have any questions.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Free 2 year subcription to Parents Magazine

Yes I mean free, if you have never done one of these free magazine subscriptions before, you may be a little uneasy. I have done quite a few of these and yes, they are free. My general rule of thumb is if it asks for your debit card info it is not free!:) The way these work is they ask you a real quick survey, like what kind of shampoo you use, etc. Then, you get to pick from 2 or 3 things that you want for payment of your service. I probably receive 5-7 different subscriptions this way, it's awesome! Check it out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Free Preschool projects!

I thought this looked pretty cool if your have preschoolers. Just sign up and they will send you some activities to keep your little one busy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

K-Mart Doubles 4/19-4/25

K-Mart is Doubling again! I know that our store here in Concord NC is doubling, to check if your is, you may want to email

Here are the details of the promotion:

  • Manufacturer Coupons up to $2
  • Does not include Kmart Store Coupons
  • Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons
  • Does not include copies of manufacturer coupons
  • Limit 25 total coupons per customer per day

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wal-Mart deals this week

Here are some great deals and coupon match ups for walmart. Remember, stores may vary with products and prices.

Colgate is having a great promotion at Walmart right now. You can find four of their products on sale for $1 only. These products are:

Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste 4.6oz
Use $0.50/1 coupon from 3/29 SS insert,
Pay $0.50 each after coupon

Speedstick Ladies 2oz, Men’s2.25oz and Teen Spirit Deodorant 1.4oz
Use $0.75/2 coupon from 3/29 SS insert,
Pay $1.25 for two after coupon

Colgate Total Pro and Colgate Total Plus Toothbrushes
Use $0.50/1 coupon from 3/29 SS insert,
Pay $0.50 each after coupon

Irish spring Soap bars (2ct)

I am trying to find out the details of when this promotion end but it started very recently. Here are other Walmart deals I found on my shopping trip last night:

EasyMac Single Cups $0.84 each
Use $1/2 printable coupon
Pay $68 for two singles after coupon

V-8 Fusion Juices $3
Use $2/1 printable coupon
Pay $1 each after coupon

Yoplait Kids Yogurt $2.28
Use $1.50/1 printable coupon
Pay $0.78 per pack after coupon

Tax Day Free Cinnabon!

Want a free Cinnabon after you get your taxes off?! Cinnabon is giving away free cinnabites from 5-8 on April 15th. Check out the details here.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Free Diapers for Diaper Study

Is your child currently wearing size 4 diapers? Is so, I know of a great way to get them for free! I just was signed up for a diaper study, I have never been in one before, but I have heard that they are great. They send you a box of diapers to your door, you use them, then they sent up a time when they can call you back to answer some questions. Then they send you $10 in the mail for the work you did! Free diapers and money!!!! They are currently only testing size 4 right now, both for boys and girls. However if you are interested I may just call anyway and leave your info with your child's size, so that when they do start a new study, you are already on there list. I called about 6 weeks ago and just got a call this week. Good luck!
1-888-342-7372 ext. 634 for boys and ext. 646 for girls.